All Around the Mulberry Superfood!

Mulberries are a chewy and delicious fun alternative to raisins, and they may contribute to longevity. I remember hearing the “All around the mulberry bush” song when I was a kid, but never knew what a mulberry was, or even that you can eat it, until I was an adult. One of my favorite books is Healthy at 100, by John Robbins. In the book he discusses Hunza, an area in northern Pakistan that is known for the spectacular health of its elders. The traditional way of eating in Hunza is very healthy. Hunzans are known for eating primarily a plant-based organic diet, with lots of raw and lightly cooked vegetables. One of the interesting fruits the Hunzans eat is mulberries. Mulberries pair well with nuts such as almonds or pecans for a yummy energizing snack. You can also sprinkle them over oatmeal, salad, or yogurt to add some sweetness. Mulberries may protect against cancer through their antioxidants. They also may contribute to lowering cholesterol and may be prevent against non-alcoholic fatty-liver disease. Mulberries can be found in healthier supermarkets such as Whole Foods and on Amazon