Cultivating Discipline to Help Achieve Your Goals

Is there something getting in between you and your goals? The answer may be discipline. Discipline is that secret ingredient, it’s like the love that you notice in home-cooked meals compared with other meals. We all have it, but we may just need to tap into and cultivate it to help us get from here to there. And that here to there is different for everyone, yet discipline is the same. Discipline and consistency are deeply related. The discipline can help you with the consistency you need to succeed. Here are some ways to get more disciplined so you can get from here to their whether that is losing weight, advancing your business, getting a new job, etc.

1. Chip away at your to-do items. Just start. Taking a small bite out of a large task helps you get momentum.

2. Declutter your environment, especially your workspace. Tackle one pile of papers at a time, or set a timer such as 30 minutes for tidying up. A messy workspace can be distracting.

3. Get accountability and support. A personal trainer, life coach, wellness coach, therapist, registered dietitian, and others are there for you to help you achieve your goals! This is one of the reasons I became certified as a fitness/yoga instructor, wellness coach and life coach. And of course why I became a registered dietitian. All of certifications and career choices have given me the ability to provide help, motivation, and guidance for people. I would be delighted to be your coach. There are millions of health and wellness professionals out there that want to help. Tap into their light. It can help light your discipline fire!

4. Establish a routine for what you are trying to accomplish. Setting aside a planning power hour or half-hour each week can help you to plan out your tasks for the week, such as your fitness, and the days of the week that you shop and cook.

5. Have your routine include movement, healthy food, fun, and rest.

6. Spend time to write clear goals, and use a daily to-do list or app such as Todoist to remind you of what needs to be done.

7. Use the Pomodoro Technique to stay motivated in completing tasks. This technique encourages work intervals followed by rest periods to stay engaged with your tasks. Aim to work on a task for 25 – 30 minutes, followed by a 2-3 minute break. Do this four times, then take a longer 15 – 30-minute break, and repeat. Learn more in this great Forbes article:

8. Start saying no to things that are getting in the way of your goals. No doesn’t mean never, it just means not right now or not today. This is a great way to deal with tempting food. Delay the gratification and you will enjoy more long-term benefits.

9. If you fall off track, get back on track as soon as possible. Look at it as an opportunity for growth and learning rather than as a mistake or setback.

10. Use positive self-talk to stay the course!