General Nutrition, Wellness

Nutrition Power Hour is highly recommended as the 1st seminar your group does with Tricia. It is sure to delight!

Nutrition Power Hour:

Learn about the keys to good nutrition in this power-packed hour. Discover an easy way to use the food label for smart shopping, see why calories count, and learn simple techniques for portioning food. Hear about the sneaky ways sugar can affect your health, gain some helpful tips on dining out, and experience how mindful eating can change your relationship with food.

"Trish was motivational and also practical.” “The presentation was great!
- Attendees, Town of Dover

Motivating Yourself for Wellness:

Discover strategies to motivate yourself to eat better, exercise, and take care of yourself (success stories of how others got and stayed motivated will be shared). We’ll discuss portion sizes and an optional meal plan for weight loss.

Nutrition Websites and a Plan for Healthy Eating:

Learn about helpful nutrition websites and apps that can help you plan your meals and keep track of your food and exercise. A helpful meal plan will be shared along with reminders of what healthful portions look like.


Weight Loss

Design Your Health:

Sneaky Strategies to Manage Weight: Learn about how to design your food radius! Your food radius encompasses places where you make eating decisions usually, within 5 miles from home. This includes your home, the restaurants you choose to eat at, the grocery store you shop at and where you work. Discover simple techniques that will help you subconsciously make better choices that can affect your weight and health. Tips from Dr. Brian Wansink's book, Slim for Design will be shared. Striking visuals will be displayed that will have you thinking twice about the plates and glasses you choose to use.

Excellent Presentation! I’ve been in a public speaking class for 16 years. You had great audience contact and it showed you really knew your material!
- Attendees, Town of Wellesley

Change Your Behavior, Change Your Weight:

Are you a stress or emotional eater? Learn how to eat mindfully. Gently nourish your body without feeling guilt. Combat compulsive overeating. Learn relaxation techniques and healthy ways to cope with stress.

Stress Eating Solved!:

Do you turn to food when you are stressed? Get help and hints to cope with stress without overeating during this informative and enlightening presentation.

Nutrition and Sleep:

Fascinating Connections: Learn how sleeping well can help to control your weight. Discover foods, herbs, teas, and minerals that can make you feel sleepier and others that may interfere with sleep.

Eat Less, Feel Full:

Are you always hungry when trying to lose weight? Learn how to chase away hunger by setting up a healthy eating strategy that will keep you feeling full and full of energy as well!

Food/Ingredient Specific, Trends

The Beauty of Green Vegetables

Discover the beautiful health benefits of leafy greens and other green vegetables such as cucumbers, broccoli, zucchini, asparagus and more. Hear about the vast nutrition components in these healthy gems such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals (plant nutrients), and antioxidants. See how green vegetables can help you feel fuller, lift your mood, manage weight, protect your immune system, and may treat and reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and more! 

Coconut Products, Paleo vs. Potato, Spiralizing Your Vegetables and More. A Discussion of Some Current Food Trends: 

Is coconut oil healthy? How does Paleo stack up to other ways of eating? Learn about some current food trends and see Tricia demonstrate how to use a spiralizer to make vegetable noodles.

Sugar Shockers:

In this captivating and engaging presentation, you will learn about the shocking amounts of sugar in some favorite foods. Learn why sugar is not so sweet for your mind, body, health and weight. Get helpful tips for reducing your sugar intake, while keeping your diet satisfying and flavorful.

Breakfast and Family Nutrition:

Breakfast sets the tone for a healthy day! Learn about the benefits of breakfast and get ideas on how to make breakfast tasty, healthy, and a meal to look forward to. Learn strategies for feeding a healthy and happy family.

Recipes and Spice Tips:

Discover the health benefits of various spices. Learn about yummy spice blends that can perk up the flavor in your diet while keeping your meals healthy. Tricia will share some of her favorite recipes. Optional: Bring in copies of your own favorite healthy recipe to share. (Natural ingredients only. No recipes with butter, processed foods, excess salt or sugar, or red meat, please)

A Closer Look at Dairy and its Alternatives:

Learn about the types of dairy products that are best for your health. Discover alternatives to dairy, such as soy milk and almond milk.

Whole Grains Galore and Gluten-free Options:

Is wheat the enemy? Can eating gluten-free make a difference in health and weight? Learn about whole grains, as well as the gluten-free lifestyle.

Plant-Based Diet Ideas and Strategies:

Learn why incorporating more plant-based meals in your diet can enhance and extend your life. Learn about the benefits of bean and soy and how to incorporate tasty vegetarian meals into your lifestyle.

Food Feuds:

Is caffeine okay? Do carrots have too much sugar? What’s the story with chocolate? What are GMO’s? Demystify and debunk nutrition myths and reveal stunning facts about ingredients and foods that we eat.

Snack Track:

Is snacking sabotaging your diet? Are you hooked on “less than healthy” snacks? Learn how strategic snacking can keep your diet on track and keep you energized. Discover tasty and healthy snack ideas.

Brown Bag Lunches:

Learn about ways to pack more nutrition and activity into your lunch. See how packing your own lunch can save time and money. Strategize your lunch to help support your health and wellness goals.

Carb and Calorie Conscious:

Wondering if you are eating too many carbohydrates and calories? Gain a better understanding about what carbohydrates are and how much you need to help attain your wellness goals. See a demo of a helpful free internet nutrition resource for planning and budgeting your calories.

Food Product Update:

Learn about healthy products that can make it easier to eat on the go. Nut butters, soy products, healthy spreads, bean salads and more will be discussed.

Dining Out

Swap it or Drop it Choosing Healthier Options at Restaurants:

See how popular restaurant meals can put you well over your daily sodium, sugar, and calories needs. Learn how to swap out some of America’s worst dining out options for healthier alternatives.  Discover strategies that will help you enjoy eating at restaurants without undermining your nutrition goals.

Dine Smart:

Learn how to enjoy dining out without packing on the pounds. Discover the secrets of healthy restaurant eating. See which choices to make at various restaurants and when eating different ethnic cuisines.

Time of Year, Disease Prevention

Healthy Happy Holidays:

Do you want to prevent that holiday weight gain? Learn new ways of approaching workplace, friend, and family holiday gatherings. Learn new tactics to eat mindfully, make time to nurture yourself, and stay on the healthy eating wagon.

Healthy Happy Parties and Vacations:

Yes, you can avoid that party and vacation weight gain.  Learn strategies for staying social while losing or maintaining weight. Discover tactics to make vacations and staycations healthier without packing on the pounds while still enjoying delicious foods.

Beautiful Bones:

Are you getting enough calcium and vitamin D in your diet? Do your bones need attention? Learn tips and tricks for keeping your bones healthy through simple changes in your diet and lifestyle.

Gluten-free, is it for me?:

Have you ever wondered what gluten and a gluten-free diet is? Learn more about wheat, gluten, and its impact on the body in this eye-opening discussion.

Phytochemicals and Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

Power nutrients for maximal health: Do you want more energy, vitality, glowing skin, and a decreased risk for cancer and heart disease? How about faster healing and less pain? See how eating a rainbow-bright diet and power nutrients can give you energy and vitality.

Heart Smart:

Healthy heart eating doesn't mean taking away lots of foods. Learn about all the healthy foods you can add to your diet to live the heart-smart way.

Immunity Boosters and Busters:

Looking to boost your immunity? Learn which foods and lifestyle practices enhance immunity and which ones decrease your body’s ability to fight infection and illness. Join registered dietitian, wellness coach, and fitness instructor Tricia Silverman as she share practical tips and eye-catching nutrition demonstrations to help inspire you to eat for better health and immunity.


Exercise, Coaching, and Nutrition and Exercise Combined Classes


Coach Yourself to Good Health through Exercise and Nutrition:

Tricia will share coaching principals that you can use to motivate yourself to exercise and eat right. She will demonstrate effective exercises using inexpensive gliders, resistance bands, and bodyweight. She will discuss the types of regimens needed to achieve strength, toning, and fitness goals.

Exercise Primer:

Discover ways to make exercise a fun and rewarding part of your lifestyle. Unique strategies for fitting fitness in will be discussed.

Collide, Where Nutrition Meets Cardio:

Get motivated to eat better, be more fit, and lose weight in this exciting nutrition and exercise class. Depending on the needs of your group, each weekly class has 30-45 minutes of inspirational expert nutrition/weight loss advice and group discussion followed by 30-45 minutes of fun dance exercise. An optional weigh-in is held 15 minutes before the class begins. Exercise is adjusted for various levels of fitness. Beginners welcome! This class is offered in a series.

Collide Fusion:

Barre, Band, Ball, and Bites Nutrition and Exercise Series: 6-8 Week-Session Series (Can also be done for more or less weeks). Whether you want to eat healthier, have more energy, lose weight, move more, tone up, or feel more motivated, this program is for you! In each nutrition and exercise session, you will spend half the time learning about nutrition and wellness strategies that can optimize your health, and the other half exercising with bodyweight, balls and bands. This is a low impact workout that incorporates popular barre, band, and ball exercises that are designed to strengthen, stretch, and tone your body. You can hand-pick the seminars from the seminar listings or Tricia can make suggestions based on the needs of your employees. An optional weigh-in is held 15 minutes before the class begins.


Food and Mood, Mental Functioning, Mindful Eating

Food for Thought: Superfoods to Boost Memory, Mood, and Mental Functioning

Can’t remember where you left the keys? Feeling tired and down? Learn the tools of nutritional success for enhancing your brain power, increasing your energy, and improving your mood.

Foods and Moods:

Do you skip breakfast? Do you have a bottomless coffee cup? Are you looking for chocolate at 3 p.m.? Do you raid your cabinets when you get home from work? Learn how strategic eating principles can change these behaviors, lift your mood, increase your health, and help you feel energized all day long.

Mindful Awareness Nutrition

Being more aware of when you eat, what you eat, how you eat, and why you are eating, can have a huge impact on your health, digestion, mood, and weight management. Learn how to use a hunger and fullness scale to listen to your body more, so you can eat when there is physical hunger, and stop when you are gently satisfied. Discover the difference between physical and emotional hunger, and how it can get blurred, and what to do about it. Find out how to label and experience your emotions, so you can eat for fuel and enjoyment without feeling guilt and deprivation.

Mindful Eating Close-up:

Taking a mindful approach to eating can help with weight loss and maintenance, and can enhance health and digestion. Mindful eating tips and resources will be shared.


Food Shopping and the Food Label

What’s in Your Food? A Closer Look at Food Additives and the Food Label:

Learn all about the “disgraceful dozen” food additives to steer clear from in your diet. Demystify the upcoming new food label and learn easy ways of using it to make more healthful food choices. Helpful food label decoding tips will be shared. USDA’s MyPlate will be discussed as a way of making sure your diet is balanced.

Choose This Not That Supermarket Journey:

Find out which are America’s worst supermarket foods and the better alternatives to choose when shopping. Discover an easy way to zero in on food labels to make smart healthy picks.

Healthy Cheap Eats:

Do you fear that eating healthy will drain your wallet? Learn tips and tricks for eating healthy for less. Slim your waistline and fatten your piggy bank!



Tasting and Cooking Seminars

Faster, Leaner, Home-Cooked Meal Ideas and Strategies:

Get organized for a healthy kitchen and lifestyle. Learn what items to stock in your pantry and refrigerator so you can prepare faster, leaner, delicious meals. Easy nutritious recipe modifications will be shared.

The Taste Challenge:

Join your co-workers for the tasting party of a lifetime. Learn about healthy eating strategies while sampling a variety of foods and their healthier counterparts. See if you can taste the difference. And yes, you will be tasting chocolate, too!

Mason Jar Oatmeal and Salads:

Have little time, but want more ideas for better breakfasts, snacks, and lunch? Say hello to mason jar oatmeal and salads. Tricia will share her tips for making fast, tasty, portable oatmeal. Learn about various nuts, seeds, frozen and fresh fruits that complement mason jar oatmeal. Taste a sample of the oatmeal. See beautiful colorful mason jar salads and enjoy delicious simple recipes.

Nuts about Nutrition:

Have you tried cashew butter, almond butter, or sesame tahini dressing? Did you know that nuts are good for your heart? Taste and learn about the nutritional benefits of nuts, seeds, delicious nut butters, and nut oils. Discover savory ways to incorporate them into fast-n-healthy meals and snacks.

Snack Track Tasting Journey:

Is snacking sabotaging your diet? Are you hooked on “less than healthy” snacks? Learn how strategic snacking can keep your diet on track and keep you energized. Discover tasty and healthy snack ideas.

Olive Oil Tasting:

Are you wondering how to select olive oil? Do you know the difference between extra virgin and regular olive oil? Learn about the health benefits and sensory qualities to look for in olive oil as you compare and contrast typical supermarket olive oils with a premium extra virgin olive oil. Enjoy with fresh whole grain bread and interesting spice arrays.
(This tasting is an add-on to the Mediterranean Pathway to Wellness Class, the Faster Meals Class, or any other class you would like to add it on to)

Healthy Cooking Demonstrations with a Dietitian and Chef:

Join your co-workers for a fun and tasty lunch prepared by Chefs Shawn Lander and Jimmy of Fresh City Restaurants  of Massachusetts, who will share healthy cooking tips. Tricia, your nutritionist, will reveal the unique nutrients in your lunch and how they protect against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and other health conditions. Learn quick ways to add healthy foods to your cooking repertoire during these exciting cooking demonstrations. This is a popular program sure to delight and inspire your attendees.


Opportunity is Knocking. Seize it with a well-crafted business and marketing plan:

This engaging and informative workshop will be hands-on and give you the tools to develop a sound and successful business and/or marketing plan. The plan can be used to create a new business, or create a roadmap to take your business or career to the next level.

Dynamic Nutrition Presentations:

How to Captivate Your Audience: Learn practical tips and tricks for engaging your audience when giving a wellness lecture to the general public. Discover resources that add interest and fun to your presentation, and gain skills to intrigue your audience, help them put your advice into action, and have them calling you back for more.

Entrepreneurship Focus:

Examining RD Business Models: Do you want to own a nutrition business? Do you have a nutrition business, and need innovative ideas for revamping or expanding your service/product offerings? Learn about current creative dietitian entrepreneurs. See how finding your niche and creating a customized business model can bring career satisfaction and financial rewards.


Global Longevity Factors:

What to Eat, and What to Do for Optimal Health: Learn which dietary and lifestyle practices lead to health, vitality, and longevity across the world. Through her interactive props and colorful display, along with her engaging speaking style, Registered Dietitian Tricia Silverman will share simple tips to optimize your health.

Longevity and Slimming Secrets of the Okinawans:

Discover the nutrition and lifestyle strategies that have helped the Okinawans enjoy the world's highest population of centenarians (those living at 100 years of age or older). Learn how eating and living the Okinawan way can slim your waistline and improve your well-being. Hear about healthy practices that can help you boost your health and perhaps add healthy happy years to your life!

Longevity Gifts of Abkhazia, Vilcabamba and Hunza:

Learn about the lifestyle and dietary practices of cultures where elders are known for living long lives full of vitality and health. Explore the unique breakfast habits of the Abkhazians and Hunzans. Learn about the natural-foods diet of the Vilcabambans and see how reducing processed foods in your own diet may contribute to longevity and robust health.

Nutrition Pearls of China, Costa Rica & Loma Linda:

Discover how following some traditional eating habits of the Chinese can lower rates of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Learn how beans, squash, and corn are helping people live longer in Costa Rica. See why the Seventh Day Adventists in Loma Linda, California, are one of the healthiest and longest living populations in the United States. Strategies for simple and healthy meals and snacks that reflect the tasty and nutritious food of these cultures will be shared.

The Mediterranean Pathway to Healthier Living:

Learn about the delicious components and benefits of the Mediterranean diet. See why those following the Mediterranean diet have less heart disease and lower death rates than those following a typical American diet. Tricia will share easy ways to incorporate healthful Mediterranean foods into your own diet.


Tricia has worked with all age groups. Any of her seminars can be adapted for kids and young adults from preschool through college.  Kids particularly love her sugar demonstrations!! The following seminar is geared toward preschoolers/kindergarteners.

NuTricia’s Activity Time:

A fun and engaging nutrition class for your little ones: In this lively and entertaining presentation, kids are entertained and informed about nutrition through interactive activities such as singing, food puppets, food props, and a fun food-sorting endeavor using USDA’s MyPlate. Sessions are 20-25 minutes each, depending on the age groups. For one price, on one day, Tricia will provide several classes to cover the unique needs of your group. For instance at a daycare center, she did one class for preschool, one class for pre-K and two for Kindergarten.