Exercise, Coaching, and Nutrition and Exercise Combined Classes


Coach Yourself to Good Health through Exercise and Nutrition:

Tricia will share coaching principals that you can use to motivate yourself to exercise and eat right. She will demonstrate effective exercises using inexpensive gliders, resistance bands, and bodyweight. She will discuss the types of regimens needed to achieve strength, toning, and fitness goals.

Exercise Primer:

Discover ways to make exercise a fun and rewarding part of your lifestyle. Unique strategies for fitting fitness in will be discussed.

Collide, Where Nutrition Meets Cardio:

Get motivated to eat better, be more fit, and lose weight in this exciting nutrition and exercise class. Depending on the needs of your group, each weekly class has 30-45 minutes of inspirational expert nutrition/weight loss advice and group discussion followed by 30-45 minutes of fun dance exercise. An optional weigh-in is held 15 minutes before the class begins. Exercise is adjusted for various levels of fitness. Beginners welcome! This class is offered in a series.

Collide Fusion:

Barre, Band, Ball, and Bites Nutrition and Exercise Series: 6-8 Week-Session Series (Can also be done for more or less weeks). Whether you want to eat healthier, have more energy, lose weight, move more, tone up, or feel more motivated, this program is for you! In each nutrition and exercise session, you will spend half the time learning about nutrition and wellness strategies that can optimize your health, and the other half exercising with bodyweight, balls and bands. This is a low impact workout that incorporates popular barre, band, and ball exercises that are designed to strengthen, stretch, and tone your body. You can hand-pick the seminars from the seminar listings or Tricia can make suggestions based on the needs of your employees. An optional weigh-in is held 15 minutes before the class begins.