General Nutrition, Wellness

Nutrition Power Hour is highly recommended as the 1st seminar your group does with Tricia. It is sure to delight!

Nutrition Power Hour:

Learn about the keys to good nutrition in this power-packed hour. Discover an easy way to use the food label for smart shopping, see why calories count, and learn simple techniques for portioning food. Hear about the sneaky ways sugar can affect your health, gain some helpful tips on dining out, and experience how mindful eating can change your relationship with food.

"Trish was motivational and also practical.” “The presentation was great!
- Attendees, Town of Dover

Motivating Yourself for Wellness:

Discover strategies to motivate yourself to eat better, exercise, and take care of yourself (success stories of how others got and stayed motivated will be shared). We’ll discuss portion sizes and an optional meal plan for weight loss.

Nutrition Websites and a Plan for Healthy Eating:

Learn about helpful nutrition websites and apps that can help you plan your meals and keep track of your food and exercise. A helpful meal plan will be shared along with reminders of what healthful portions look like.